About us

AFRITAC East is a collaborative venture between the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the recipient countries, and bilateral and multilateral development partners. It originated from the IMF's response to African leaders call on the international community to increase technical assistance (TA) to Africa and focus it more sharply on capacity building. AFRITAC East provides TA and training to Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania (including Zanzibar), and Uganda.


Working with member countries and donor partners to help build local capacities for sound economic and financial management within the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) framework.



Our goal is to strengthen the capacity of East African member countries to formulate and implement their own growth-oriented, poverty-reducing policies, including through the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) and Millennium Development Goals processes.


AFR Background Information 

AFE Steering Committee Members

Press Release IMF Africa Capacity Building Initiative

Our Staff

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Clara Mira Center Coordinator
User-added image Kenneth Ochola Advisor Customs Administration

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Dzingai Francis Chapfuwa Advisor Public Financial Management

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Archil Imnaishvili Advisor Macroeconomic Framework
User-added image Matthew Quillinan Advisor Macro-Fiscal Analysis

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Amra Srdanovic Advisor Public Financial Management

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Faith Mazani Advisor Medium-Term Revenue Strategies

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Christelle Groenewald Advisor Government Finance Statistics

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Thomas Benninger Advisor Tax Policy Advisor
User-added image Rameck Masaire Advisor Tax Administration Advisor
User-added image Georgios Genimakis Advisor Financial Sector Supervision

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Robin Youll Advisor Real Sector Statistics

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Tiviniton Makuve Advisor Debt Management

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Archil Mestvirishvili Advisor Forecasting and Policy Analysis System
User-added image William Wakuganda Local Economist

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Michael Byansheko Local Economist
User-added image Edina Moshi Office Manager
User-added image Evonne Massawe IT Officer

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Warda M. Kassim Administrative Assistant

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Neema Mahenge Administrative Assistant
User-added image Sylvanus Kashinje Administrative Assistant
User-added image Stamili Togwa Office Attendant
User-added image Wilhelm Kinabo Office Driver