Program Documents
East AFRITAC Program Document for Phase V
The program document outlines the proposed capacity development (CD) strategy for Phase V (May 2020-April 2025) of the IMF’s Regional Technical Assistance Center for East Africa (East AFRITAC).
East AFRITAC Program Document for Phase IV
This document summarizes plans for the fourth phase (mid 2015 to October 2020) of East AFRITAC.
AFRITAC East Program Document Phase III
This document proposes to continue and expand the operations of the Regional Technical Assistance Center in East Africa (AFRITAC East (AFE)) for a period of five years to October 2014. It is intended to initiate a consultation process with donors and AFE beneficiary countries during April-June on how AFE together with other Technical
East AFRITAC Project Document Phase I
The project introduces a regional instrument that will supplement and enhance the effectiveness of Fund TA in the subregions. It will place in the vicinity of the needs a source of high-quality TA that can be made available promptly to address emerging problems and requests for assistance, and to improve coordination of TA resources. The project is intended to give recipient governments greater possibilities for shaping the assistance they receive, while increasing their accountability.
Program Documents
East AFRITAC Program Document for Phase V
The program document outlines the proposed capacity development (CD) strategy for Phase V (May 2020-April 2025) of the IMF’s Regional Technical Assistance Center for East Africa (East AFRITAC).
East AFRITAC Program Document for Phase IV
This document summarizes plans for the fourth phase (mid 2015 to October 2020) of East AFRITAC.
AFRITAC East Program Document Phase III
This document proposes to continue and expand the operations of the Regional Technical Assistance Center in East Africa (AFRITAC East (AFE)) for a period of five years to October 2014. It is intended to initiate a consultation process with donors and AFE beneficiary countries during April-June on how AFE together with other Technical
East AFRITAC Project Document Phase I
The project introduces a regional instrument that will supplement and enhance the effectiveness of Fund TA in the subregions. It will place in the vicinity of the needs a source of high-quality TA that can be made available promptly to address emerging problems and requests for assistance, and to improve coordination of TA resources. The project is intended to give recipient governments greater possibilities for shaping the assistance they receive, while increasing their accountability.