AFE FY 2024 Annual Report and Annexes
This report covers the Center operations for May 2023 - April 2024. It also outlines the work plan for FY 2025.
Steadfast Pursuit: 20 Years of Building Macroeconomic Capacity in East Africa
To commemorate the achievements achieved and capture invaluable lessons learned, AFRITAC East prepared five notes covering the key workstreams on public financial management (PFM) and macrofiscal policy (MFP), revenue mobilization, financial supervision and regulation, national accounts statistics, and government financial statistics. These notes highlight some of AFRITAC East’s successes over the past 20 years and distill the collective experiences and insights gained across these critical domains. These notes can facilitate the exchange of knowledge and promote the adoption of proven strategies, thereby fostering capacity building and continued progress within the region. Download full report below and <b><a class="text-theme-colored" href="">click here</a></b> to find the excerpts.
Excerpt—Advancing Public Financial Management Reforms, 2002–2022
The capacity development (CD) Delivered by the Regional Technical Assistance Center for East Africa (AFRITAC East) over the past 20 years has covered an evolving range of public financial management (PFM) and macrofiscal policy (MFP) topics. These topics span from basic reforms, such as budgetary and accounting classifications, cash management, and budget execution issues, including commitment control and dealing with arrears, to intermediate reforms like the medium-term budget framework (MTBF), fiscal forecasting, program budgeting, public investment management (PIM), comprehensive financial and fiscal reporting, and treasury single accounts. More advanced reforms have included fiscal risks and accrual accounting. These reforms build on the development of PFM infrastructure projects such as integrated financial management information systems (IFMIS) and the establishment of sound PFM legal and regulatory frameworks. AFRITAC East’s CD has been delivered through a mix of technical assistance (TA) missions, which combine diagnostic and hands-on country-specific CD with regular in-country training, regional workshops, and peer learning activities.
Excerpt—Supporting Revenue Administration Reforms, 2002–2023
This chapter is a reflection of the establishment, evolution, and operations of AFRITAC East over the past two decades (2002-2022), with a specific focus on the Revenue Administration (RA) workstream. It offers insights into the capacity development (CD) work undertaken in the region, highlights key achievements, challenges encountered, lessons learned, and maps the way forward. RAs are crucial for ensuring lawful tax collection, facilitating trade, and enforcing regulations. They are expected to maintain high standards of efficiency in service to mobilize revenue needed to fund public services, decrease reliance on foreign aid, and reduce fiscal deficits.
Excerpt—Strengthening Financial Supervision and Regulation, 2002–2023
Since IMF’s Regional Technical Assistance Center for East Africa (AFRITAC East) started its activities in 2002, member countries have made substantial improvements to promote financial stability through sound regulations and supervisory practices. This commemorative note focuses on financial supervision and regulation and shows how AFRITAC East’s activities during the past 20 years helped to upgrade the financial sector regulations and frameworks.
Excerpt—Strengthening National Accounts Statistics, 2002–2022
Comprehensive and high-quality national accounts statistics are essential for government decision making and analysis of the economy. Over the past 20 years, countries in the East Africa region have made substantial improvements in the compilation and dissemination of national accounts statistics despite challenges. Low- and middle-income countries often experience five key challenges: (1) lack of political will and understanding of the need for sound national accounts statistics, (2) absence or poor implementation of statistical legislation, (3) insufficient resources, and (4) difficulty in adapting the System of National Accounts methodological framework to the country’s specific situation and available resources.
Excerpt—Expanding Coverage of Fiscal Statistics, 2012–2023
Comprehensive and high-quality fiscal statistics are essential for government decision making and analysis of fiscal risks and vulnerabilities. In the past 10 years, Africa Regional Technical Assistance Center for East Africa member countries have made remarkable progress in strengthening capacity to compile government finance statistics (GFS) and public sector debt statistics (PSDS). This acceleration has been driven by two main factors: the signing of the protocol to establishing the East African Community Monetary Union (EAMU) in 2013; and the beginning of a comprehensive GFS and PSDS capacity development (CD) program that started with the creation of a resident GFS/PSDS advisor position at AFRITAC East in 2014. This was followed by an intensive CD program in the form of dedicated training programs, technical assistance (TA) missions, and regional workshops. All AFRITAC East member countries have participated in these CD activities.
AFE FY 2023 Annual Report
The AFE FY 2023 report covers the operations for May 2022 - April 2023 period. It also outlines the work plan for FY 2024.
AFE FY 2022 Annual Report
This report covers the operations for May 2021 - April 2022 period. It also outlines the work plan for FY 2023.
AFE Annual Report FY 2021
This report covers the operations for May 2020 - April 2021 period. It also outlines the work plan for FY 2022.
AFE Annual Report FY 2020
This report covers the operations for May 2018 - April 2020 period. It also outlines the work plan FY 2021.
East AFRITAC Program Document for Phase V
The program document outlines the proposed capacity development (CD) strategy for Phase V (May 2020-April 2025) of the IMF’s Regional Technical Assistance Center for East Africa (East AFRITAC).
East AFRITAC Program Document for Phase IV
This document summarizes plans for the fourth phase (mid 2015 to October 2020) of East AFRITAC.
AFE Annual Report FY 2019
This report covers the operations for May 2018 - April 2019 period. It also outlines the work plan FY 2020.
AFE Mid-Year Report FY 2019
This report covers the activities of IMF East AFRITAC in the first half of FY 2019 (May-October, 2018).
AFE Annual Report FY 2018
This report covers the operations for May 2017 - April 2018 period. It also outlines the work plan for FY 2019.
AFE Mid Year Report FY 2018
This report covers the activities of IMF East AFRITAC in the first half of FY 2018 (May-October, 2017).
AFE Annual Report FY 2017
This report covers the second year of Phase IV of IMF East AFRITAC’s operations (FY
2017, May 2016-April 2017) and outlines the work plan for FY 2018. The rate of execution of the FY 2017 work plan is estimated at about 95 percent and the overall progress on reaching the milestones set for the year has been strong.
AFE Mid Year Report FY 2017
This report covers the activities of IMF East AFRITAC in the first half of FY 2017 (May-October, 2016). During this period, the rate of execution of the work plan reached 94 percent, or about half of the annual program.
AFE Annual Report FY 2016
The IMF builds human and institutional capacity in macroeconomic management across the globe through technical assistance and training. This work – collectively referred to as capacity development – is a core part of the IMF’s operations and its contributions to global growth and prosperity.
AFE Mid Year Report FY 2016
This report covers the start of Phase IV of IMF East AFRITAC’s operations – the first half of FY 2016 to be precise (May-October, 2015). While a sustained level of technical assistance and training services has continued to be delivered, activity has been moderated by uncertainty over financing as well as changes in demand from TA recipients. In particular, a prudent approach has been taken by delaying the initiation of some of the new areas of work planned in Phase IV, such as those on natural resources management, fiscal law and payments systems.
AFE Annual Report FY 2015
Technical assistance and training—which together the IMF calls capacity development— are key IMF activities and important benefits of IMF membership. Building human and institutional capacity within a country helps the government implement more effective policies, leading to better economic outcomes.
AFE Mid Year Report FY 2015
Both IMF headquarters and East AFRITAC have made good progress towards implementing the action plan in response to the mid-term evaluation. Strategic focus is being sharpened by developing country strategies as part of the Phase IV program document. The technical assistance (TA) planning process is being strengthened to capture all IMF activities and improve alignment with the Fund’s strategic planning process.