+ Real Sector Statistics
National Accounts Statistics
14/04/2025 - 18/04/2025 Rwanda
Price Statistics Compilation Issues
23/09/2024 - 27/09/2024 Rwanda
The goal of the workshop is to strengthen the compilation of consumer and producer price indexes & to address compilation challenges raised by participants. The workshop will focus on international standards & best practices for the calculation of CPIs & PPIs.
Regional Workshop on Producer Price Indices
27/03/2023 - 31/03/2023 Zanzibar
The workshop will provide a working knowledge of the concepts and best practices which underpin the compilation of PPI indices. The workshop will support efforts at developing PPIs and improving existing collection and compilation methods. The following topics will be covered: elementary and aggregate indexes; sampling and determining weights; phases of data collection; techniques for dealing with missing prices and quality change; and presentation of data for dissemination.
National Accounts for Beginners
27/02/2023 - 03/03/2023 Tanzania
Focus will be on annual gross domestic product both at current prices and in volume terms using the production and expenditure approaches. Topics to be covered are: • Basic concepts, units and groupings; • GDP compilation from production and expenditure side; • General issues in compilation of Supply and Use Tables ; • Volume measures • Non-observed economy; • GDP revisions and backcasting.
Consumer Price Index Compilation issues
25/04/2022 - 29/04/2022 Virtual Platform
The workshop will include lectures, activities to reinforce concepts and methods discussed, and discussion to share country experiences.
National Accounts for Beginners
06/12/2021 - 10/12/2021
Topics to be covered include concepts underpinning the compilation of the national accounts; and methods and data sources to measure GDP.
GFS workshop on Improving quality of fiscal and debt data
01/03/2021 - 05/03/2021 Respective Offices
Topics considered at the workshp are 1. Recording of COVID related fiscal transactions, 2. Treatment of transactions related to natural resources, 3. Recording of transactions related to social security funds, 4. Review progress on transition to accrual accounting; and 5. Assess status of implementation of recommendations of previous GFS regional workshops.
Quarterly National Accounts-concepts methods and data sources
08/03/2021 - 12/03/2021 Respective offices
IMF member countries are encouraged to start compilation of high frequency data to monitor the impact of the pandemic and to monitor the strength of the recovery of economic activities. The quality of these statistics is paramount for decision and policy making in all AFRITAC East countries.
Web Seminar on National Accounts Business Continuity
11/09/2020 - 17/09/2020 ( 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM ) Virtually
The webinar is primarily designed for compilers of national accounts statistics for AFRITAC East member countries. The webinar will include a 40-minute presentation from Mr. Anthony Silungwe, IMF economist and expert on national accounts. It will be followed by a question and answer session to address issues raised by participants.
Consumer Price Index
20/01/2020 - 24/01/2020 Zanzibar
Topics covered include: (i) Updating of reference periods, conceptual basics and international practice; (ii) Source data for weights, techniques for determining weights and selecting basket items; (iii) Designing the geographic coverage, sample of outlets and sampled varieties; (iv) Practical issues on data collection; (v) Introduction of new weights into the index, and communication, and dissemination of the CPI data.
Guidelines on the compilation of fiscal and debt data
27/01/2020 - 31/01/2020 Arusha, Tanzania
The workshop will also (i) Review the progress in the transition to accrual accounting; (ii) Assess the status of implementation of recommendations of previous GFS regional workshops; and (iii) Launch the East African Community GFS/ PSDS Guidelines on fiscal and debt data compilation.
Resolving GFS compilation Issues
01/07/2019 - 05/07/2019 Zanzibar
The workshop will consider: 1. Reviewing borderline cases on revenue and expense; 2. Concepts on balance sheet data compilation and debt instruments; 3. Concepts on social security funds; 4. High frequency data compilation issues; 5. COFOG compilation; and 6. Reviewing status of implementation of recommendations of previous GFS regional workshops.
Public Sector Debt and EAC GFS Guidelines on Fiscal Data Revisions
26/11/2018 - 30/11/2018 Rwanda
Participants will (1) receive fundamental training on the concepts of compilation of public sector debt statistics and global best practices; (2) refine the draft chapter on “EAC Guidelines for fiscal data revision policy”; and (3) refine the draft chapter on “EAC Guidelines for development of inventories”.
National Accounts workshop
12/02/2018 - 16/02/2018 Entebbe, Uganda
Topics to be covered include : • General issues in compilation of SUTs; • Estimation of valuation matrices – trade and transport margins and taxes on products; • Balancing SUTs; • Linking SUTs to the sector accounts; and • Revisions in quarterly national accounts.
GFS - Data revision and PPP guidelines
25/06/2018 - 29/06/2018 Malawi
The workshop will consider: 1) Refine the draft guidelines for the compilation of a GFS data revision policy; 2) Finalize the draft layout for the development of inventories; and 3) Refine the draft chapter on “Public Private Partnerships” for the Guidelines on the Compilation of Government Finance and Public Sector Debt Statistics.
Accelerating GFS compilation: EAC GFS guidelines on PPPs
22/01/2018 - 26/01/2018 Kampala, Uganda
The workshop will consider: 1. Automating GFS compilation to accelerate dissemination; 2. Resolving compilation and dissemination issues; and 3. Finalizing the draft chapter on “Public Private Partnerships” for the Guidelines on the Compilation of Government Finance and Public Sector Debt Statistics.
High Frequency Data Compilation and Refinement of EAC GFS Guidelines
20/11/2017 - 24/11/2017 Tanzania
The objective of the workshop is to finalize the draft chapters on “Debt”, “Public Private Partnerships” and “Above versus Below the line transactions” for the Guidelines on the Compilation of Government Finance and Public Sector Debt Statistics.
National Accounts Statistics
06/02/2017 - 20/02/2017 Uganda
This is a follow up to the August 2016 workshop and is intending to provide further support in developing Supply and Use Tables (SUT).
Agricultural Producer Price Index
20/02/2017 - 20/02/2017 Arusha, Tanzania
The workshop is intended to build capacity in developing agricultural producer price indices in the region and targets officials from national statistics offices and central banks. The one-week course will cover data sources and methodology for compiling the APPI.
Improving GFS Quality and Expanding the Guidelines
28/11/2016 - 02/12/2016 Kampala, Uganda
The two main objectives of the workshop were to: (i) enable AFE Member State GFS compilers to understand strategies for improving data quality (including comprehending more completely techniques for testing…
Accelerating GFS Reporting and Expanding the Guidelines
29/08/2016 - 02/09/2016 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
The workshop reflected the ongoing joint efforts of the East African Community (EAC) Secretariat and the AFRITAC East Regional Technical Assistance Center (AFE) to conduct a GFS Capacity Development Program…
+ Tax Policy and Revenue Administration
Regional Workshop on Evaluating Tax Expenditure
14/04/2025 - 18/04/2025 Tanzania
Participating countries will be expected to share their experiences and processes in evaluating and reporting tax expenditures and granting tax incentives. The workshop will encourage peer learning and acquiring new skills through hands-on exercises. Participants are expected to come prepared to present their respective experiences.
E-Commerce and Customs Controls
03/02/2025 - 07/02/2025 Malawi
The workshop will feature interactive discussions and knowledge-sharing sessions, where participants will benefit from peer learning and the exchange of country-specific experiences. These sessions will provide a platform for customs professionals to collaborate, discuss challenges, and develop strategies for strengthening e-commerce controls in their respective administrations.
Customs Risk Management and Cybersecurity
28/10/2024 - 02/11/2024 Rwanda
The workshop will focus on building capacity in both risk management and cybersecurity, which are essential pillars for modern customs administration to effectively combat the evolving threats in global trade. As customs operations become increasingly dependent on digital systems and cross-border data exchange, they are exposed to heightened risks of cyber-attacks, fraud, and smuggling. To address these vulnerabilities, the implementation of a comprehensive risk management framework, coupled with robust cybersecurity measures, is crucial. This combination will empower customs officials to accurately identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks while safeguarding critical trade data and revenue streams.
Coordinated Border Management
08/01/2024 - 12/01/2024 Uganda
The workshop will focus on building the capacity for effective border management. The post-COVID approach to a paperless, digitally driven trading environment requires a far-reaching flexible approach to faster, simpler clearance of goods. Customs and other border agencies must embrace the technologies now available in terms of pre-arrival processing, digital data sharing and self-learning risk analysis engines, as well as enabling cross border information sharing, such as ‘Your Export is My Import (YEMI)’ transferring of Customs declaration information.
Compliance Risk Management and Compliance Improvement Plan
16/09/2024 - 20/09/2024 Zanzibar
The goal of the workshop is to build the capacity of a systematic process in which a tax administration makes deliberate choices on which measures could be used to effectively stimulate compliance and prevent non-compliance, compliance, based on the knowledge of all taxpayers (behaviours) and related to the available capacity. It will cover international good practices, regional initiatives and country experiences, encourage peer learning, and review technical assistance needs, objectives and deliverables for inclusion in AFE work plans.
Leveraging Technology to Improve Taxpayer Service and Compliance
06/02/2023 - 10/02/2023 Zanzibar
The joint regional workshop with AFW2 will focus on how technology can improve service and compliance in revenue administration. It will include interactive discussions covering country experiences in the region and beyond.
Artificial Intelligence in Customs Administration
05/12/2022 - 09/12/2022 Zanzibar
The workshop will include interactive discussions covering big data and its technologies and country experiences. These sessions will encourage peer learning and sharing of experiences.
Post Clearance Audit
14/03/2022 - 18/03/2022 Zoom Online Platform
The workshop will include interactive discussions covering international good practices, PCA audit strategy and techniques and country experiences. Discussion sessions will encourage peer learning and sharing of experiences.
Regional Workshop on Customs Risk Management and Intelligence
06/09/2021 - 10/09/2021 Virtually
The objective of the workshop is to build capacity of member countries on customs risk management and intelligence function. The aim is to enhance skills to counter infringements in cross border trade and to improve compliance.
Leveraging Technology to Deliver Effective Taxpayer Service and Improve Taxpayer
26/04/2021 - 30/04/2021 On the Web
It will cover international good practices, regional initiatives and country experiences, encourage peer learning, and review technical assistance needs, objectives and deliverables for inclusion in AFE and AFW work plans.
Developing a Compliance Improvement Plan and Strategy of M&E
12/10/2020 - 16/10/2020 Virtual
The revenue administrations have been working on improving their risk management function with mixed results. This is a follow-up workshop to expand on the one held in June 2019 on the same topic.
Customs Data Analysis
27/01/2020 - 31/01/2020 IMF Africa Training Institute, Mauritius
The workshop will also focus on building the capacity of officers to effectively utilize data as part of a risk-based approach to compliance management. The workshop will include interactive discussions covering international good practices, regional initiatives and country experiences. Discussion sessions will encourage peer learning and sharing of experiences. The workshop will review technical assistance needs, objectives and deliverables for inclusion in AFE and AFS work plans.
Effective Filing and Payment Processes
25/11/2019 - 29/11/2019 Zanzibar, Tanzania
This is a follow-up workshop from the December 2018 workshop on the same subject.
Developing a Compliance Improvement Plan and Strategy of Monitoring & Evaluation
24/06/2019 - 28/06/2019 Uganda
The aim of the workshop is to discuss compliance management in relation to: the regional practices and approaches in developing compliance improvement plans and strategies of monitoring and evaluation, staff capacity, challenges, and possible way forward.
High-Level Seminar on Revenue Administration Governance
23/09/2019 - 25/09/2019 South Africa
This seminar is designed for heads of revenue administrations, chairpersons of governing boards and principal/permanent secretaries responsible for Finance.
Seminar on Advanced Rulings for Classification Purposes, Origin and Valuation
28/01/2019 - 01/02/2019 Mauritius
The seminar, which is organized in cooperation with the Common Market for Eastern & Southern Africa (COMESA), will provide a forum to explore challenges to processing advanced ruling requests in origin and tariff classifications.
Regional Workshop on Building Effective Taxpayer Registers
10/12/2018 - 14/12/2018 Kigali, Rwanda
At the conclusion of the December 2017 regional workshop on building effective taxpayer registers, all member countries submitted an agreed action plan, and committed to implementing their plans with the support of their heads of revenue administration. This follow-up regional workshop will ensure the momentum is maintained, and further build capability and action across AFE member countries.
International Survey on Revenue Administration/ RA-FIT Coordinators
26/02/2018 - 02/03/2018 Johannesburg, South Africa
Objectives: (I) to discuss performance measurement and management; (2) provide training on the RA-FIT Platform; and (3) view a demonstration on the new RA-FIT Portal that will be used by IMF to disseminate data to administrations.
Regional workshop on Effective Filing and Payment Processes
10/09/2018 - 14/09/2018 Malawi
The program targets senior staff involved in managing and implementing filing and payment processes.
Building Effective Taxpayer Registers
11/12/2017 - 15/12/2017 Zanzibar, Tanzania
For AFE member countries register integrity is an important priority. The purpose of the workshop was to assist countries strengthen their taxpayers best international practice and prepare an implementable action plan.
Operationalizing Risk Management Modules in Customs IT
17/10/2016 - 21/10/2016 Lilongwe, Malawi
The objective of the workshop was to develop practical skills to manage computerized customs selectivity modules.
+ Monetary Operations
Workshop on Cross Border Payments in a Digital Age
17/03/2025 - 21/03/2025 South Africa
The workshop will cover selected specific topics relating to cross border payments and payment mechanisms in much more detail, such as: (i) the enhancement of cross-border payment systems; (ii) regulation, access and oversight of bank and non-bank participants; (iii) domestic and regional fast payment systems; (iv) ISO 20022; and (v) the use of Crypto Assets and Stablecoin in cross border payments.
Joint Workshop on Central Bank Balance Sheet and Policy Solvency
10/03/2025 - 14/03/2025 Kenya
The workshop will cover selected specific topics related to central bank balance sheets and policy solvency developments in much more detail, such as: (i) the key components of the central bank balance sheet; (ii) the impact of central bank monetary (and other operations) on central bank balance sheets; (iii) central bank balance sheet and international financial reporting standards; (iv) stress testing of central bank balance sheets (v) central bank balance sheet projection; and (vi) central bank policy solvency.
Monetary Policy Operational Frameworks and Financial Market Development
14/11/2022 - 18/11/2022 Virtually on Zoom
Joint regional seminar on Digital Money: Balancing Innovation and Regulation for
24/10/2022 - 28/10/2022 South Africa
Monetary Policy Implementation Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
26/04/2021 - 30/04/2021 Virtually
Repo Market Development
08/07/2019 - 12/07/2019 Tanzania
Regional workshop on Managing Capital Flows: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policies
03/12/2018 - 07/12/2018 Zanzibar, Tanzania
Model-Based Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting
05/11/2018 - 16/11/2018 Mauritius
Exchange Rate Policy
18/09/2017 - 22/09/2017 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Evolving Monetary Policy Frameworks in LLMICs
20/03/2017 - 24/03/2017 Arusha, Tanzania
Understanding and Improving the Link between Fiscal and Monetary Policy
28/04/2016 - 09/09/2016 Zanzibar, Tanzania
+ Public Financial Management
PFM in the context of the East African Monetary Union
29/01/2025 - 31/01/2025 Tanzania
This workshop will focus on this aspect and discuss approaches to be used in assessing the fiscal risks related to climate change. The workshop will also support discussions on Public Investment Management (including climate sensitive projects). Efficient and effective public investment practices are key in sustaining economic growth in EAC partners. Issues of gender and overall fiscal risks, especially from State Owned Enterprises, will also be discussed during the workshop.
Peer Learning Workshop on Public Investment Management (PIM)
26/02/2024 - 29/02/2024 Kenya
Quality infrastructure investment is essential for sustainable and equitable economic growth and the IMF’s ongoing work in the AFR region, including the Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA), has demonstrated high scope for countries to improve investment institutions and efficiency. Building on these frameworks, learning topics covered in this workshop will include: (i) The current PIM landscape—challenges and solutions in the region; (ii) The climate challenge—how to integrate climate objectives into the infrastructure cycle; (iii) How to handle unsolicited proposals for infrastructure projects; (iv) Who does what in the planning, appraisal, selection, and budgeting space; (v) The legal framework for PIM and investment—what is needed and how to get there; and (vi) PIM reform stock take and strategies.
24/01/2023 - 26/01/2023 Rwanda
This workshop will focus on the impact of climate change on the region and discuss approaches to be used in assessing the macrofiscal impact of climate change, specific risks such as to SOEs and PPPs, and budget tagging and monitoring. The workshop will also provide an opportunity for EAC Partner States to provide an update on the progress made so far on the harmonization of regional PFM and the attainment of the EAC Macroeconomic Convergence Criteria, particularly in the context of the revised target date of 2031. To support this for newer Partner States (the Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, and South Sudan, a one-day workshop will be held on 23 January 2024 to support progression on development of Medium-Term Convergence Plans. Further details will be provided to relevant Partner States shortly.
Regional Workshop on Budget Baseline Costing
05/12/2022 - 09/12/2022 Zanzibar
Lesson learning topics will include: (i) the baseline budget concept and costing techniques; (ii) costing the recurrent budget; (iii) costing the development budget, and (iv) cross cutting and enabling areas, including IT systems and program budgeting. A primary objective is to compile country experiences in the form of regional budget costing guidelines and reform needs that will be documented through group working sessions, which is a continuation of efforts which started in December 2019.
Peer Learning Seminar - Public Investment Management Reforms in the Region
19/09/2022 - 19/09/2022 Zoom Platform
Lesson learning topics will include: (i) Review country reform processes over the past 20 years with the support of AFE and exchange views with other member countries, and; (ii) Explore, with technical counterparts, challenges, and opportunities of selected topics of interest to AFE countries.
Management and Mitigation of fiscal risks for Anglophone Sub-Saharan countries
25/04/2022 - 28/04/2022 Virtual Platform
The COVID-19 pandemic has had unprecedented consequences on economic activity and the financial position of governments all over the world. It has also triggered multiple specific risks that were latent before the crisis, including risks from State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), and other new risks. These developments have demonstrated the importance of institutional frameworks to deal with these risks and mitigate their impact.
Budget Baseline Costing workshop
05/12/2022 - 09/12/2022 Zanzibar
Despite MTBF principles being uniform across the region for over 20 years, several countries face challenges in deriving bottom up costing to identify a budget baseline to assess the fiscal gap between existing policy requirements and the fiscal resource envelope.
Public Financial Management in the Context of the East African Monetary Union
17/08/2022 - 19/08/2022 Zanzibar
This workshop will focus on fiscal policy and economic management in a world of uncertainty about pandemic, wars, and inflation. The workshop will also provide an opportunity for EAC Partner States to provide an update on the progress made so far on the harmonization of regional PFM and the attainment of the EAC Macroeconomic Convergence Criteria.
Peer Learning Workshop on Public Investment Management (PIM)
26/02/2022 - 28/02/2022 Rwanda
Quality infrastructure investment is essential for sustainable and equitable economic growth and the IMF’s ongoing work in the AFR region, including the Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA), has demonstrated high scope for countries to improve investment institutions and efficiency. Building on these frameworks, learning topics covered in this workshop will include: (i) The current PIM landscape—challenges and solutions in the region; (ii) The climate challenge—how to integrate climate objectives into the infrastructure cycle; (iii) How to handle unsolicited proposals for infrastructure projects; (iv) Who does what in the planning, appraisal, selection, and budgeting space; (v) The legal framework for PIM and investment—what is needed and how to get there; and (vi) PIM reform stock take and strategies.
Integrating Performance Based Budgeting and IT Systems
15/12/2021 - 17/12/2021 Virtual
This aims to: (i) share lessons in their reform transition; (ii) discuss options to improve IT systems integration in the PFM cycle, and (iii) to develop a collegial link across the countries to support each other in further reforms.
Regional Peer Learning Virtual Workshop on Performance Based Budgeting (PBB)
25/10/2021 - 29/10/2021 Virtually
The workshop aims to bring together selected countries from East, West and Southern Africa to: (i) share lessons in their reform transition; (ii) identify what the main bottlenecks in reform have been; (iii) discuss options to update/recalibrate their reform plans based on lesson learning if required, and; (iv) and develop a collegial link across the continent.
Regional Peer Learning Workshop: Budget Baseline Costing
06/12/2021 - 10/12/2021 Virtual
The virtual workshop aims to develop regional budget costing guidelines to: (i) better define baselines in the context of AFE countries; (ii) provide general and sector specific guidance in their calculation by identifying cost drivers, and (iii) clarify institutional arrangements on the use of budget baselines as part of the budget decision making process.
Budget Baseline Costing
07/12/2020 - 11/12/2020 Virtually
To achieve this objective, the workshop will be conducted in three phases: Phase 1: Drafting of the guidelines (Oct-Nov 2020) - Participants will work in groups to develop provisional drafts of chapters for the guidelines; Phase 2: Virtual workshop to discuss drafts (Dec 2020) – Working groups will convene virtually and present drafts for feedback from the wider group; Phase 3: Physical “hands on workshop” workshop to finalize the first draft (2021) - Working groups will convene physically and undertake a series of presentations, discussions and hands on group sessions to consolidate the first draft. Further information on this phase will be provided at a later stage when travel in the region safely resumes.
Lesson learning from regional Public Investment Management units
02/11/2020 - 06/11/2020 Virtual
The workshop, targeting heads of PIM units or deputies, will also provide a platform to recalibrate their reform plans based on lesson learning and a collegial link across the continent.
Review of IT systems to support Performance Based Budgeting
16/11/2020 - 20/11/2020 Virtual
All countries have adopted presentational performance budgeting, where performance information is presented in budget documents as background information for accountability and dialogue with legislators and citizens. The extent of performance informed budgeting however varies across countries.
Budget Baseline Costing
09/12/2019 - 13/12/2019 Tanzania
The workshop will be structured around simple and practical tools and techniques that have been adopted in the region and globally for different categories of expenditure.
Seminar on Public Sector Accounting and Financial Reporting
21/01/2019 - 25/01/2019 South Africa
Implementing the Accrual-basis IPSAS; The linkages between Accounting, Financial and Statistical Reporting; and Fiscal Reporting and Fiscal Transparency.
Regional Workshop on Oversight and Monitoring of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs)
22/10/2019 - 25/10/2019 Tanzania
Participants should therefore include staff who are stakeholders in from: (i) the Government Investment Portfolio Unit or other coordinating institution responsible for SOE oversight; (ii) the Treasury or Accountant General’s Department; and (iii) the Budget Department. The workshop will be limited to four participants from each of the seven East AFRITAC countries and from the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar.
Understanding Gender Responsive Budgeting
13/08/2018 - 15/08/2018 Tanzania
The objective of the workshop is to familiarize the participants with an integrated perspective on gender budgeting; initiating dialogue among different institutions responsible for gender equality, and promoting peer learning by providing an opportunity for focused facilitation of the good practices and experience in gender responsive budgeting.
Taking Cash Management Forward - Building on Recent Reforms
13/02/2018 - 16/02/2018 Zanzibar, Tanzania
The workshop aims to share experiences on the three key theme areas. Participants should therefore include staff actively involved in cash management and TSA reforms from: (i) the Treasury or Accountant General’s Department; (ii) Cash Management Unit; and Debt management office/unit; and (iii) cash forecasters from large MDAs and revenue department.
Strengthening Budget Documentation
20/11/2017 - 24/11/2017 Entebbe, Uganda
The objective of the workshop is to provide budget officers involved in budget preparation, the skills to make the budget more strategic, more precise, more focused, and more reader friendly. Subject areas include: Coverage and structure of the budget documents; Improving the quality, relevance, and consistency of information contained in budget documentation to better inform funding choices and to enable accountability; Legal, procedural, and institutional implications for enhancing openness and transparency in budget management and documentation; Budget as a tool of communicating policy; and Summarizing the message without losing the content.
PFM Reform Strategies
21/02/2017 - 21/02/2017 Zanzibar, Tanzania
The workshop will discuss themes emerging from previous experience with PFM reforms in AFE countries. It is specifically intended to equip participants with a better understanding of how to prioritize and sequence PFM reforms; the relevance of PEFA and other diagnostic tools in designing country appropriate reform strategies; the role of underlying institutional arrangements; and the importance of change management.
Joint EAC/ FAD – AFE Workshop
20/03/2017 - 23/03/2017
The EAC/FAD-AFE workshop will focus on regional PFM harmonization and the development of a surveillance framework to oversee macro-fiscal convergence ahead of the proposed monetary union. It is being hosted by the EAC secretariat and will have participation from the EAC Partner States.
Strengthening Public Investment Management
28/11/2016 - 02/12/2016 Kigali, Rwanda
The workshop was planned to (i) strengthen understanding of the senior officials on how public investment institutions influence fiscal and economic outcomes, and (ii) provide a critical appraisal of the...
IFMIS Effectiveness: Strengthening PFM operational support and control
18/10/2016 - 21/10/2016 Tanzania
The workshop discussed measures for improving the system support, which IFMIS provides to key PFM Processes: specifically: medium term, program based budget formulation; budget execution, including controls;
+ Debt Management
Regional Workshop on Liability Management Operations
20/01/2025 - 24/01/2025 South Africa
The workshop aims at equipping participants with the necessary skills to utilize liability management operations (LMOs) as tools to achieve a more desirable public debt portfolio structure, manage refinancing risks inherent in the public debt portfolio, and support the development of the domestic market for government securities. The training will serve to improve the participants’ capacity to apply LMOs to help them achieve a desired public debt portfolio structure, which reflects the government’s preferences with regard to cost and risk.
+ Other Events
Gender Budget Tagging and Climate Budget Tagging
14/01/2025 - 17/01/2025 Tanzania
Modes of engagement will include peer-to-peer learning, country presentations, and hands-on activities focused on prioritizing gender equality and climate goals and identifying budget measures across the government that support them. Participants will discuss challenges in implementing budget tagging and explore solutions, gaining valuable insights and best practices to advance your Ministry's efforts in gender and climate budgeting.
Managing Sovereign Debt Portfolios in Adverse Market
13/03/2023 - 17/03/2023 Ebene, Mauritius
Climate Change and Macro-Financial Policies
06/03/2023 - 10/03/2023 Kenya
The fiscal and financial risks from climate change, and the role of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) instruments, would also be discussed. Workshops will focus on the impact of mitigation policies and the macro-fiscal benefits from building resilience, as well as assessing financial sector risks and debt vulnerabilities from climate change.
GovTech: Fiscal Data Governance
21/02/2022 - 24/02/2022 Webex Online Platform
Transparency and Communication for and between NBS and CBs
26/01/2022 - 28/01/2022 Zoom Online Platform
Tackling Gender Based Violence
03/02/2022 - 03/02/2022 Virtually
Experience with FPAS in Africa
10/01/2022 - 14/01/2022 Zoom Online Platform
Gender Equality and Macroeconomics: Lessons from East Africa
30/11/2021 - 02/12/2021 Virtually
Goals include 1) Providing an overview of the evidence on the links between gender equality and macroeconomics, including during the COVID-19 pandemic; 2) Providing practitioners with an overview of policies to address inequities; 3) Facilitating peer-learning between AFRITAC East member countries; and 4) Highlighting further training and capacity building opportunities that the IMF and other partners could offer on the subject.
Developing a Forecasting & Policy Analysis System - A Central Bank Safari
24/08/2021 - 27/08/2021 Virtually
The workshop will showcase FPAS when fully fledged, using an advanced central bank as an example and present results from a coming paper of IMF FPAS TA experience. The workshop will cover international good practices, regional initiatives and country experiences, encourage peer learning, and review technical assistance needs, objectives and deliverables for inclusion in AFE and AFW work plans.
AFE 20th Steering Committee Meeting
18/03/2018 - 19/03/2018 Tanzania
Promoting Financial Stability & Enhancing Macroprudential & Fintech Supervision
13/11/2017 - 17/11/2017 Arusha, Tanzania
In the last few years, many countries in East Africa were focused on building out their financial stability and macroprudential policy infrastructure and adopting a macroprudential approach to supervision and regulations. In addition, many central banks and other regulatory agencies are seized with the importance of effective regulatory and supervisory oversight of financial technology firms, commonly referred to as Fintech, which offers significant opportunities for financial inclusion and innovation. However, if not carefully supervised, Fintech could have serious implications for the soundness of financial institutions as well as the management of systemic risks.
Steering Committee Meeting
03/04/2017 - 04/04/2017 Lilongwe, Malawi
Enhancing the Basel Process -Recent Developments in Basel II & Basel III
21/08/2017 - 25/08/2017 Ebene, Mauritius
Implementation of the Basel III framework is a key global regulatory reform priority. Full and consistent implementation within the internationally agreed timeframe is aimed at strengthening the resilience of the banking system, improving market confidence in regulatory ratios and promoting a level playing field. Developments are taking place in implementing different facets of Basel III such as the leverage ratio, liquidity requirements, and capital buffers. The seminar is designed to familiarize participants with the underlying concepts of these requirements and equip them with the tools and techniques for conducting supervision of banks/financial institutions under the revised framework in the most effective way.
Risk Based Solvency Frameworks and Supervision
20/02/2017 ( 01:00 PM - 09:00 PM ) Uganda
Information Technology Risk Supervision
15/09/2016 - 16/09/2016 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
The purpose of workshop was to create awareness of the need to develop capacity on IT Risk Supervision. IT Risk Supervision is a topic that is quickly rising as a supervisory priority as a result of the…
Risk Based Approach to AML/CFT Supervision
05/09/2016 - 09/09/2016 Zanzibar, Tanzania
The workshop aimed to create a platform for the staff of Central Banks Bank Supervision Departments and Financial Intelligence Units to exchange views and discuss the developments on AML/CFT regulations...
+ IMF Institute Courses
Course on Macroeconomic Diagnostics
02/12/2024 - 13/12/2024 Zanzibar
This course is designed to strengthen participants’ ability to comprehensively assess a country’s macroeconomic situation, including the current state of the economy; the stance of fiscal and monetary policy; financial stability; exchange rate misalignments; vulnerabilities in the different sectors; and the medium-term outlook, especially the sustainability of public and external debt.
Course on Financial Sector Policies (FSP)
29/04/2024 - 10/05/2024 Zanzibaar
The course is targeting junior to senior government officials engaged in setting policy for the financial sector, particularly the staff of central banks, financial regulators, and any other agencies involved in micro- or macroprudential oversight.
Course on Financial Market Instruments
13/11/2023 - 24/11/2023 Zanzibar
The course is targeting mid-level to senior officials involved in economic and strategic planning; supervision of financial sector; evaluating policy strategies for development of financial markets; portfolio risk management. The main objective of this course is to give participants a good understanding of various financial instruments and the roles such instruments play in financial markets; the main components that affect the prices of various instruments; the effect of monetary policy on valuation of financial instruments; the potential for hedging benefits; and some of the issues surrounding their regulation.
Interregional Workshop on Forecasting and Policy Analysis System
07/08/2023 - 11/08/2023 Cabo Verde
The purpose of the workshop is to support the central banks of the region in strengthening their monetary policy formulation, develop the forecasting and policy analysis system, understanding the interlinkage between monetary policy formulation and implementation, allow peer-to-peer sharing of country experiences and provide technical assistance to strengthen the capacity of participating officials. The workshop will take stock of the current state of monetary policy analysis and forecasting and it will cover selected topics related to FPAS in much more detail, such as: (i) FPAS components – database, forecasting team, and forecasting round; (ii) role of nowcasting and near-term forecasting in FPAS; (iii) Composite Index of Economic Activity – challenges, usefulness and how close it mimics the GDP; (iv) monetary transmission mechanism and its reflection in the FPAS; (v) macroeconomic projections, risk analysis under uncertainty - using simulations for better policy decisions; (vi) the road to inflation targeting and transitional monetary arrangements; and (vii) internal and external communication.
Regional Course on Fiscal Sustainability
21/03/2022 - 01/04/2022 Online Platform
The virtual course is targeted at mid-level government officials, such as staff of ministries of economy, planning and finance, treasuries, independent fiscal councils, central banks, and other agencies involved in the analysis and assessment of debt sustainability and fiscal policy. It provides an overview of how to assess fiscal sustainability from a policy perspective and of related assessment tools. It discusses fiscal risks and long term fiscal pressures, and covers debt management strategies and early warning indicators used by the IMF, as they relate to fiscal adjustment and debt sustainability.
Course on Inclusive Growth (IG)
19/04/2021 - 23/04/2021 Virtually
It is important therefore for policy makers to be equipped in tools to track growth, inequality, and poverty but also to design policy to curb related issues.
Regional Course on Fiscal Sustainability
17/02/2020 - 21/02/2020 Arusha, Tanzania
The course looks at fiscal sustainability as a requirement for macroeconomic stability and sustainable and inclusive long-term growth, particularly in low-income countries. It provides an overview of how to assess fiscal sustainability from a policy perspective and of related assessment tools. It discusses fiscal risks and fiscal challenges and covers lessons from debt crises and fiscal adjustments.
Regional Course on Fiscal Frameworks
09/09/2019 - 13/09/2019 Tanzania
The course stresses the need for high-quality information, transparency, and responsibility to hold governments accountable for their medium to long-term fiscal objectives. It reviews the role of government and the objectives of fiscal policy; revisits essential macro-fiscal tools and methodologies; and identifies a country’s fiscal framework as the set of institutions that design and conduct fiscal policy.
Course on Economic Issues in Regional Integration
17/09/2018 - 21/09/2018 Tanzania
Drawing on the theory and on case studies from experiences in various regions of the world, the course will cover: (i) the requirements for economic integration; (ii) trade, financial and monetary integration; (iii) costs and benefits of the implementation process; and (iv) political economy aspects of integration.
Regional Course on Macroeconomic Diagnostics
30/11/2015 - 10/12/2015 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
The aim of the course was to strengthen the ability of participants to assess a country's macroeconomic situation, drawing heavily from actual country experiences. The broad types of assessments were...
+ Government Finance Statistics
Regional Workshop on Government Finance Statistics
18/11/2024 - 22/11/2024 Zanzibar
The focus of this regional training will include: 1. The integrated GFS framework as outlined in the GFSM 2014. 2. Revenue and expense, where participants will gain practical experience in classifying IFMIS line items and discuss borderline cases. 3. Financing (below-the-line items) and the dissemination of GFS data to the IMF.
GFS concepts in the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014
02/10/2023 - 06/10/2023 Zanzibar
This workshop was a response for the need for basic training on GFS concepts in the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 (GFSM 2014). As such, the focus of this regional training will be on: (1) Integrated GFS framework in the GFSM 2014; (2) Sector classification of public sector institutional units; (3) Revenue and expense; (4) Financing, stock flow reconciliations and consolidation.
Workshop on Government Finance Statistics and Public Sector Debt Statistics
02/05/2023 - 05/05/2023 Rwanda
The workshop, under the theme, Further improvements in the quality of fiscal and debt data was targeting staff from Ministries of Finance.(1) Progress made by countries in the area of government finance statistics, over the last 20 years; (2) Expanding coverage of fiscal statistics to general government and beyond; (3) Dissemination practices; (4) Review of technical assistance needs.
+ Macro Fiscal Analysis
IMF FAD & AFE & AFS Fiscal Risk Management and Fiscal Sustainability
14/10/2024 - 18/10/2024 Mauritius
The seminar will focus on how to identify and quantify fiscal risks and how to integrate fiscal risk management into the budgeting process. Upon completion of the course, participants should gain knowledge on: (i) identifying and quantifying different fiscal risks, including from climate change; (ii) describing the fiscal risk management toolkit and developing mitigation strategies; (iii) assessing impact of climate change on long-term fiscal sustainability; (iv) integrating fiscal risk management into the budgeting process; (v) good fiscal risk reporting and disclosure practices; (vi) institutional arrangements that promote effective fiscal risk management.
Regional workshop on Macro-fiscal forecasting tools
18/02/2019 - 22/02/2019 Rwanda
The workshop will be run in a conference format, with presentations from macro fiscal units and from IMF advisers and experts, as well as plenary discussions. Participants are expected to be macroeconomic or revenue forecasters in ministries of finance, or senior or junior economists from macro fiscal units.
Fiscal Policy Analysis Course
19/02/2018 - 23/02/2018 Kigali, Rwanda
This hands-on course is built around core macro-fiscal topics needed to analyze fiscal policy. Units will be substantiated by general empirical findings, case studies, and Excel-based workshops. Workshops will focus on fiscal projections, measuring the fiscal stance, debt dynamics, and current fiscal challenges in EAC countries. There will also be substantial time for peer exchanges.
Macro-fiscal functions in Ministries of Finance
08/01/2018 - 12/01/2018 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
IMF – East AFRITAC is hosting a regional workshop for officials to share lessons and experiences in strengthening macro-fiscal functions in ministries of finance. Macro-fiscal units have an important role to play in the PFM process, providing economic context and forecasts that underpin revenue, expenditure and debt projections. However, despite the importance of macro-fiscal analysis in the budget process, it can often be challenging to establish and maintain a macro-fiscal capability. It can be difficult to get the right mix of skill and technology in a capacity-constrained environment, and establishing links with the rest of the PFM processes of the ministry can be tricky. This workshop will bring together directors and senior economists from macro-fiscal units in the region to discuss and share strategies for establishing and maintaining sustainable macro-fiscal capabilities in ministries of finance.
Macro-Fiscal Forecasting Training
08/08/2016 - 18/08/2016 Arusha, Tanzania
The objective of the workshop was to build the analytical skills of government officials who are involved in forecasting activities in their respective countries. Various government entities in the region…
+ Financial Sector Supervision
AFRITAC East & AFRITAC West 2 Joint Regional Workshop on Fintech
07/10/2024 - 11/10/2024 Tanzania
The focus of the workshop is on the regulation and supervision of technology driven innovation in financial services - supervising fintech, digitalization of banking (e-money, banking as a service, open banking/open finance), artificial intelligence, and big tech.
Regional Seminar - Anti Money Laundering & Combating the Financing of Terrorism
10/10/2022 - 10/10/2022 Zoom Platform
A regional seminar on Anti Money Laundering (AML) and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) supervision, sponsored by the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) is planned to take place on October 10, 2022.
Regional workshop on IFRS 17
06/06/2022 - 17/06/2022 Online Platform
Most insurance supervisory agencies have limited capacity (including actuarial expertise) and competence to implement IFRS 17. The workshop intends to be an advanced training program with the objective to provide a wider understanding on IFRS 17 implementation processes that will enhance their own level of preparedness and assist in the development of adequate processes to accommodate the transition.
Regional seminar on risk-based supervision (RBS)
07/09/2022 - 07/09/2022 Virtually
The event is part of a seminar series celebrating the AFRITAC East (AFE) 20th Anniversary. Its objective is to showcase Rwanda’s achievements from a supervisory perspective over the past years with the support of the AFE, exchange views and reform experiences with other member countries, and discuss challenges and opportunities. The seminar will be conducted in a virtual mode and will include presentations by the NBR and the AFE, as well as a questions and answers (Q&A) session. The event aims at gathering representatives from anglophone countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The target audience includes central banks and supervisory authorities, donor and developing partners, and other external participants (e.g. banking associations) that have an interest in RBS.
Emerging Regulatory and Supervisory Approaches to Climate-related Risks
16/11/2021 - 16/11/2021 Virtual
The webinar will comprise (i) presentations from countries in the region on their practices in relation to supervision of climate-related risks or ongoing initiatives to integrate climate-related risks into the prudential framework and (ii) a case study from outside the African continent to present on current approaches and help provide a better perspective of emerging practice in more advanced or comparable environments.
Strengthening Supervisory Oversight of Domestic Systemically Important Banks
05/07/2021 - 09/07/2021 Virtually
The course will leverage the BCBS guidance on Corporate Governance (2015) which looks at proportionality in implementing corporate governance standards in banks, based on risk profile and systemic importance.
Consolidated Supervision, DSIBs Oversight & Basel II/III Implementation
09/12/2019 - 13/12/2019 Arusha, Tanzania
The workshop aims to create a platform for Supervisors to receive training on consolidated supervision and Domestic Significant Banking Institutions (D-SIBs) Oversight and emerging issues in Basel II/III Implementation.
Macro Prudential Supervision, Stress Testing and Greening the Financial Systems
11/11/2019 - 15/11/2019 Uganda
The workshop aims to bring together staff from the Central Banks, Insurance Regulatory Authorities and Capital Markets Authorities in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda.
Workshop on Building Cyber Resilience and Supervisory Capacity in East Africa
05/11/2018 - 09/11/2018 Tanzania
The workshop aims to bring together supervisory staff from the central banks, insurance regulatory authorities and capital markets authorities in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda; and create a platform for them to receive training and discuss ideas on cyber security, information technology supervision and proportionality in implementing regulatory and supervisory standards.
Regional Workshop on Risk Based Supervision and ICAAP Reforms
16/04/2018 - 20/04/2018 Entebbe, Uganda
The program has been developed for mid- to senior level supervisor staff from the Banking Regulatory Authorities in Burundi, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda.
Implementing the Basel Core Principles and IFRS in East Africa
20/08/2018 - 24/08/2018 Tanzania
The program has been developed for mid- to senior level supervisors staff from the Banking Regulatory Authorities in Burundi, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda.
Improving Financial Stability via Effective analysis & Timely Monitoring of FSIs
12/02/2018 - 16/02/2018
Conducted in with the Toronto Centre, it will bring together staff from the Insurance Regulatory Authorities from Burundi, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.
+ Financial Market Infrastructures and Payments
Compliance with CPMI-IOSCO Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures
29/01/2024 - 02/02/2024 Ghana
The workshop will elaborate into details on CPMI-IOSCO Principles for FMIs, cyber security and resilience of FMIs, and provide a forum to exchange country experiences on compliance with the principles, the challenges facing the authorities, and the strategies to improve compliance with principles and cybersecurity resilience guidance for FMIs.
CPSS-IOSCO PFMI—General Organizational & Operational Risk
29/10/2018 - 02/11/2018 Ghana
Legal Aspects of the National Payments Systems
27/11/2017 - 01/12/2017 Ebene, Mauritius
in 2012 new, enhanced risk management standards were promulgated for the FMIs, the PFMI, in the wake of global financial crisis. This workshop intends to provide a technical understanding of the related issues to enhance the work of the legal experts tasked with drafting or amending the relevant laws.
CPSS-IOSCO Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures:Challenges & Strategy
24/04/2017 - 28/04/2017 Zanzibar, Tanzania
The objectives of the workshops are to enhance the level of assessment proficiency among participants and provide a forum to discuss local and regional challenges in the oversight of FMIs. The workshop will address new developments in the payments landscape and the new international guidance on cyber resilience for FMIs.
+ Forecasting and Policy Analysis Systems
Workshop on Fundamentals of Sound Central Bank Communication
13/06/2022 - 15/06/2022 Zoom Online Platform
+ Real Sector Statistics
National Accounts Statistics
14/04/2025 - 18/04/2025 Rwanda
Price Statistics Compilation Issues
23/09/2024 - 27/09/2024 Rwanda
The goal of the workshop is to strengthen the compilation of consumer and producer price indexes & to address compilation challenges raised by participants. The workshop will focus on international standards & best practices for the calculation of CPIs & PPIs.
Regional Workshop on Producer Price Indices
27/03/2023 - 31/03/2023 Zanzibar
The workshop will provide a working knowledge of the concepts and best practices which underpin the compilation of PPI indices. The workshop will support efforts at developing PPIs and improving existing collection and compilation methods.
The following topics will be covered: elementary and aggregate indexes; sampling and determining weights; phases of data collection; techniques for dealing with missing prices and quality change; and presentation of data for dissemination.
National Accounts for Beginners
27/02/2023 - 03/03/2023 Tanzania
Focus will be on annual gross domestic product both at current prices and in volume terms using the production and expenditure approaches. Topics to be covered are: • Basic concepts, units and groupings; • GDP compilation from production and expenditure side; • General issues in compilation of Supply and Use Tables ; • Volume measures • Non-observed economy; • GDP revisions and backcasting.
Consumer Price Index Compilation issues
25/04/2022 - 29/04/2022 Virtual Platform
The workshop will include lectures, activities to reinforce concepts and methods discussed, and discussion to share country experiences.
National Accounts for Beginners
06/12/2021 - 10/12/2021
Topics to be covered include concepts underpinning the compilation of the national accounts; and methods and data sources to measure GDP.
Quarterly National Accounts-concepts methods and data sources
08/03/2021 - 12/03/2021 Respective offices
IMF member countries are encouraged to start compilation of high frequency data to monitor the impact of the pandemic and to monitor the strength of the recovery of economic activities. The quality of these statistics is paramount for decision and policy making in all AFRITAC East countries.
GFS workshop on Improving quality of fiscal and debt data
01/03/2021 - 05/03/2021 Respective Offices
Topics considered at the workshp are 1. Recording of COVID related fiscal transactions, 2. Treatment of transactions related to natural resources, 3. Recording of transactions related to social security funds, 4. Review progress on transition to accrual accounting; and 5. Assess status of implementation of recommendations of previous GFS regional workshops.
Web Seminar on National Accounts Business Continuity
11/09/2020 - 17/09/2020 ( 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM ) Virtually
The webinar is primarily designed for compilers of national accounts statistics for AFRITAC East member countries. The webinar will include a 40-minute presentation from Mr. Anthony Silungwe, IMF economist and expert on national accounts. It will be followed by a question and answer session to address issues raised by participants.
Guidelines on the compilation of fiscal and debt data
27/01/2020 - 31/01/2020 Arusha, Tanzania
The workshop will also (i) Review the progress in the transition to accrual accounting; (ii) Assess the status of implementation of recommendations of previous GFS regional workshops; and (iii) Launch the East African Community GFS/ PSDS Guidelines on fiscal and debt data compilation.
Consumer Price Index
20/01/2020 - 24/01/2020 Zanzibar
Topics covered include: (i) Updating of reference periods, conceptual basics and international practice; (ii) Source data for weights, techniques for determining weights and selecting basket items; (iii) Designing the geographic coverage, sample of outlets and sampled varieties; (iv) Practical issues on data collection; (v) Introduction of new weights into the index, and communication, and dissemination of the CPI data.
Resolving GFS compilation Issues
01/07/2019 - 05/07/2019 Zanzibar
The workshop will consider: 1. Reviewing borderline cases on revenue and expense; 2. Concepts on balance sheet data compilation and debt instruments; 3. Concepts on social security funds; 4. High frequency data compilation issues; 5. COFOG compilation; and 6. Reviewing status of implementation of recommendations of previous GFS regional workshops.
Public Sector Debt and EAC GFS Guidelines on Fiscal Data Revisions
26/11/2018 - 30/11/2018 Rwanda
Participants will (1) receive fundamental training on the concepts of compilation of public sector debt statistics and global best practices; (2) refine the draft chapter on “EAC Guidelines for fiscal data revision policy”; and (3) refine the draft chapter on “EAC Guidelines for development of inventories”.
GFS - Data revision and PPP guidelines
25/06/2018 - 29/06/2018 Malawi
The workshop will consider: 1) Refine the draft guidelines for the compilation of a GFS data revision policy; 2) Finalize the draft layout for the development of inventories; and 3) Refine the draft chapter on “Public Private Partnerships” for the Guidelines on the Compilation of Government Finance and Public Sector Debt Statistics.
National Accounts workshop
12/02/2018 - 16/02/2018 Entebbe, Uganda
Topics to be covered include : • General issues in compilation of SUTs; • Estimation of valuation matrices – trade and transport margins and taxes on products; • Balancing SUTs; • Linking SUTs to the sector accounts; and • Revisions in quarterly national accounts.
Accelerating GFS compilation: EAC GFS guidelines on PPPs
22/01/2018 - 26/01/2018 Kampala, Uganda
The workshop will consider: 1. Automating GFS compilation to accelerate dissemination; 2. Resolving compilation and dissemination issues; and 3. Finalizing the draft chapter on “Public Private Partnerships” for the Guidelines on the Compilation of Government Finance and Public Sector Debt Statistics.
High Frequency Data Compilation and Refinement of EAC GFS Guidelines
20/11/2017 - 24/11/2017 Tanzania
The objective of the workshop is to finalize the draft chapters on “Debt”, “Public Private Partnerships” and “Above versus Below the line transactions” for the Guidelines on the Compilation of Government Finance and Public Sector Debt Statistics.
Agricultural Producer Price Index
20/02/2017 - 20/02/2017 Arusha, Tanzania
The workshop is intended to build capacity in developing agricultural producer price indices in the region and targets officials from national statistics offices and central banks. The one-week course will cover data sources and methodology for compiling the APPI.
National Accounts Statistics
06/02/2017 - 20/02/2017 Uganda
This is a follow up to the August 2016 workshop and is intending to provide further support in developing Supply and Use Tables (SUT).
Improving GFS Quality and Expanding the Guidelines
28/11/2016 - 02/12/2016 Kampala, Uganda
The two main objectives of the workshop were to: (i) enable AFE Member State GFS compilers to understand strategies for improving data quality (including comprehending more completely techniques for testing…
Accelerating GFS Reporting and Expanding the Guidelines
29/08/2016 - 02/09/2016 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
The workshop reflected the ongoing joint efforts of the East African Community (EAC) Secretariat and the AFRITAC East Regional Technical Assistance Center (AFE) to conduct a GFS Capacity Development Program…
+ Tax Policy and Revenue Administration
Regional Workshop on Evaluating Tax Expenditure
14/04/2025 - 18/04/2025 Tanzania
Participating countries will be expected to share their experiences and processes in evaluating and reporting tax expenditures and granting tax incentives. The workshop will encourage peer learning and acquiring new skills through hands-on exercises. Participants are
expected to come prepared to present their respective experiences.
E-Commerce and Customs Controls
03/02/2025 - 07/02/2025 Malawi
The workshop will feature interactive discussions and knowledge-sharing sessions, where participants will benefit from peer learning and the exchange of country-specific experiences.
These sessions will provide a platform for customs professionals to collaborate, discuss challenges, and develop strategies for strengthening e-commerce controls in their respective
Customs Risk Management and Cybersecurity
28/10/2024 - 02/11/2024 Rwanda
The workshop will focus on building capacity in both risk management and cybersecurity, which are essential pillars for modern customs administration to effectively combat the evolving threats in global trade. As customs operations become increasingly dependent on digital systems and cross-border data exchange, they are exposed to heightened risks of cyber-attacks, fraud, and smuggling. To address these vulnerabilities, the implementation of a comprehensive risk management framework, coupled with robust cybersecurity measures, is crucial. This combination will empower customs officials to accurately identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks while safeguarding critical trade data and revenue streams.
Compliance Risk Management and Compliance Improvement Plan
16/09/2024 - 20/09/2024 Zanzibar
The goal of the workshop is to build the capacity of a systematic process in which a tax administration makes deliberate choices on which measures could be used to effectively stimulate compliance and prevent non-compliance, compliance, based on the knowledge of all taxpayers (behaviours) and related to the available capacity. It will cover international good practices, regional initiatives and country experiences, encourage peer learning, and review technical assistance needs, objectives and deliverables for inclusion in AFE work plans.
Coordinated Border Management
08/01/2024 - 12/01/2024 Uganda
The workshop will focus on building the capacity for effective border management. The post-COVID approach to a paperless, digitally driven trading environment requires a far-reaching flexible approach to faster, simpler clearance of goods. Customs and other border agencies must embrace the technologies now available in terms of pre-arrival processing, digital data sharing and self-learning risk analysis engines, as well as enabling cross border information sharing, such as ‘Your Export is My Import (YEMI)’ transferring of Customs declaration information.
Leveraging Technology to Improve Taxpayer Service and Compliance
06/02/2023 - 10/02/2023 Zanzibar
The joint regional workshop with AFW2 will focus on how technology can improve service and compliance in revenue administration. It will include interactive discussions covering country experiences in the region and beyond.
Artificial Intelligence in Customs Administration
05/12/2022 - 09/12/2022 Zanzibar
The workshop will include interactive discussions covering big data and its technologies and country experiences. These sessions will encourage peer learning and sharing of experiences.
Post Clearance Audit
14/03/2022 - 18/03/2022 Zoom Online Platform
The workshop will include interactive discussions covering international good practices, PCA audit strategy and techniques and country experiences. Discussion sessions will encourage peer learning and sharing of experiences.
Regional Workshop on Customs Risk Management and Intelligence
06/09/2021 - 10/09/2021 Virtually
The objective of the workshop is to build capacity of member countries on customs risk management and intelligence function. The aim is to enhance skills to counter infringements in cross border trade and to improve compliance.
Leveraging Technology to Deliver Effective Taxpayer Service and Improve Taxpayer
26/04/2021 - 30/04/2021 On the Web
It will cover international good practices, regional initiatives and country experiences, encourage peer learning, and review technical assistance needs, objectives and deliverables for inclusion in AFE and AFW work plans.
Developing a Compliance Improvement Plan and Strategy of M&E
12/10/2020 - 16/10/2020 Virtual
The revenue administrations have been working on improving their risk management function with mixed results. This is a follow-up workshop to expand on the one held in June 2019 on the same topic.
Customs Data Analysis
27/01/2020 - 31/01/2020 IMF Africa Training Institute, Mauritius
The workshop will also focus on building the capacity of officers to effectively utilize data as part of a risk-based approach to compliance management. The workshop will include interactive discussions covering international good practices, regional initiatives and country experiences. Discussion sessions will encourage peer learning and sharing of experiences. The workshop will review technical assistance needs, objectives and deliverables for inclusion in AFE and AFS work plans.
Effective Filing and Payment Processes
25/11/2019 - 29/11/2019 Zanzibar, Tanzania
This is a follow-up workshop from the December 2018 workshop on the same subject.
High-Level Seminar on Revenue Administration Governance
23/09/2019 - 25/09/2019 South Africa
This seminar is designed for heads of revenue administrations, chairpersons of governing boards and principal/permanent secretaries responsible for Finance.
Developing a Compliance Improvement Plan and Strategy of Monitoring & Evaluation
24/06/2019 - 28/06/2019 Uganda
The aim of the workshop is to discuss compliance management in relation to: the regional practices and approaches in developing compliance improvement plans and strategies of monitoring and evaluation, staff capacity, challenges, and possible way forward.
Seminar on Advanced Rulings for Classification Purposes, Origin and Valuation
28/01/2019 - 01/02/2019 Mauritius
The seminar, which is organized in cooperation with the Common Market for Eastern & Southern Africa (COMESA), will provide a forum to explore challenges to processing advanced ruling requests in origin and tariff classifications.
Regional Workshop on Building Effective Taxpayer Registers
10/12/2018 - 14/12/2018 Kigali, Rwanda
At the conclusion of the December 2017 regional workshop on building effective taxpayer registers, all member countries submitted an agreed action plan, and committed to implementing their plans with the support of their heads of revenue administration. This follow-up regional workshop will ensure the momentum is maintained, and further build capability and action across AFE member countries.
Regional workshop on Effective Filing and Payment Processes
10/09/2018 - 14/09/2018 Malawi
The program targets senior staff involved in managing and implementing filing and payment processes.
International Survey on Revenue Administration/ RA-FIT Coordinators
26/02/2018 - 02/03/2018 Johannesburg, South Africa
Objectives: (I) to discuss performance measurement and management; (2) provide training on the RA-FIT Platform; and (3) view a demonstration on the new RA-FIT Portal that will be used by IMF to disseminate data to administrations.
Building Effective Taxpayer Registers
11/12/2017 - 15/12/2017 Zanzibar, Tanzania
For AFE member countries register integrity is an important priority. The purpose of the workshop was to assist countries strengthen their taxpayers best international practice and prepare an implementable action plan.
Operationalizing Risk Management Modules in Customs IT
17/10/2016 - 21/10/2016 Lilongwe, Malawi
The objective of the workshop was to develop practical skills to manage computerized customs selectivity modules.
+ Monetary Operations
Workshop on Cross Border Payments in a Digital Age
17/03/2025 - 21/03/2025 South Africa
The workshop will cover selected specific topics relating to cross border payments and payment mechanisms in much more detail, such as: (i) the enhancement of cross-border payment systems; (ii) regulation, access and oversight of bank and non-bank participants; (iii) domestic and regional fast payment systems; (iv) ISO 20022; and (v) the use of Crypto Assets and Stablecoin in cross border payments.
Joint Workshop on Central Bank Balance Sheet and Policy Solvency
10/03/2025 - 14/03/2025 Kenya
The workshop will cover selected specific topics related to central bank balance sheets and policy solvency developments in much more detail, such as: (i) the key components of the central bank balance sheet; (ii) the impact of central bank monetary (and other operations) on central bank balance sheets; (iii) central bank balance sheet and international financial reporting standards; (iv) stress testing of central bank balance sheets (v) central bank balance sheet projection; and (vi) central bank policy solvency.
Monetary Policy Operational Frameworks and Financial Market Development
14/11/2022 - 18/11/2022 Virtually on Zoom
The focus will therefore be to: (i) strengthen the participants’ understanding of the fundamentals of effective monetary policy implementation; (ii) discuss progress with the modernization of monetary policy implementation frameworks and financial markets in the region, and (iii) peer-to-peer sharing of country experiences on challenges with monetary policy implementation, including constraints to financial market development.Joint regional seminar on Digital Money: Balancing Innovation and Regulation for
24/10/2022 - 28/10/2022 South Africa
The objective of the seminar is to explore the potential implications for of the adoption of digital money, exchange knowledge and experiences on digital money, and provide a framework for overseeing, and supervising digital money, including e-money, mobile payments, stable coins, and central bank issued digital currencies . It provides a forum for inter and intra-regional exchange on key issues and concepts, guided by legal, policy and technical experts conversant with international best practices and standards.
Monetary Policy Implementation Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
26/04/2021 - 30/04/2021 Virtually
The program is structured to cover short introductions by a range of topic experts on the nuts and bolts of monetary policy and monetary policy operational frameworks, followed by country presentations by participating officials. The target participants are middle to senior management level officials from Economics and Research Directorates as well as Financial Markets Departments from the central banks of AFE member countries.
Repo Market Development
08/07/2019 - 12/07/2019 Tanzania
The workshop will build on the introductory workshop organized by East AFRITAC in 2018, and will cover some topics related to repo market development in much more detail, such as: (i) the importance of repo to economic and financial market development; (ii) the legal character of repo and how it works; (iii) applications of repo; (iv) Global Master Repurchase Agreement and key legal issues; and (v) the prerequisites for developing a repo market.
Regional workshop on Managing Capital Flows: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policies
03/12/2018 - 07/12/2018 Zanzibar, Tanzania
The course discusses policy options available to reap the benefits of capital market integration while minimizing and mitigating its adverse effects; it introduces the determinants of capital flows and the link between these flows and economic growth, macroeconomic volatility, and crisis risk; and concludes with a discussion of capital account management tools and how they relate to financial regulation and exchange rate intervention. Participants will be expected to engage in discussions and will work on practical workshop exercises to solidify their understanding of the lecture material.Model-Based Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting
05/11/2018 - 16/11/2018 Mauritius
This regional course being organized jointly by AFRITAC Centre, East AFRITAC, AFRITAC South and AFRITAC West 2, for November 5-16, 2018 in Mauritius. This specialized course is meant to complement several ongoing capacity building projects on the FPAS in the region with the view to helping build a critical mass of well-trained staff from central banks in Africa and facilitate networking and peer-to-peer learning. It is targeting mid-level to senior officials responsible for monetary policy decision-making and staff doing macro-economic analysis and forecasting or operating macroeconomic models.
Exchange Rate Policy
18/09/2017 - 22/09/2017 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
The main objective of this one-week course is to broaden the participants’ understanding of exchange rate analysis and policy. The course introduces key definitions and concepts used in exchange rate analysis, presents methodologies to estimate the equilibrium real exchange rate and the IMF External Balance Approach to measure real exchange rate misalignment; covers several aspects related to foreign exchange intervention and ways to assess the adequacy of foreign exchange reserves, and their management; and discusses how changes in the real exchange rate may affect external adjustment and growth and other macroeconomic policy tradeoffs.Evolving Monetary Policy Frameworks in LLMICs
20/03/2017 - 24/03/2017 Arusha, Tanzania
The workshop is targeting mid-level management and relevant technical staff involved in practical discussion of monetary policy conduct and implementation. The objective of the seminar is to provide a platform to discuss practical and technical guidance on the effective implementation of a modern monetary policy framework as presented in the IMF policy paper on Evolving Monetary Policy Frameworks in Low-Income and Other Developing Countries. Topics will include price stability, operational independence, the operational framework, forward-looking monetary policy strategy, and effective central bank communication.
Understanding and Improving the Link between Fiscal and Monetary Policy
28/04/2016 - 09/09/2016 Zanzibar, Tanzania
The sound conduct of monetary policy and the development of well functioning financial markets benefit from strong cooperation between the ministry of finance and the Central Bank.
+ Public Financial Management
PFM in the context of the East African Monetary Union
29/01/2025 - 31/01/2025 Tanzania
This workshop will focus on this aspect and discuss approaches to be used in assessing the fiscal risks related to climate change. The workshop will also support discussions on Public Investment Management (including climate sensitive projects). Efficient and effective public investment practices are key in sustaining economic growth in EAC partners. Issues of gender and overall fiscal risks, especially from State Owned Enterprises, will also be discussed during the workshop.
Peer Learning Workshop on Public Investment Management (PIM)
26/02/2024 - 29/02/2024 Kenya
Quality infrastructure investment is essential for sustainable and equitable economic growth and the IMF’s ongoing work in the AFR region, including the Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA), has demonstrated high scope for countries to improve investment institutions and efficiency. Building on these frameworks, learning topics covered in this workshop will include: (i) The current PIM landscape—challenges and solutions in the region; (ii) The climate challenge—how to integrate climate objectives into the infrastructure cycle; (iii) How to handle unsolicited proposals for infrastructure projects; (iv) Who does what in the planning, appraisal, selection, and budgeting space; (v) The legal framework for PIM and investment—what is needed and how to get there; and (vi) PIM reform stock take and strategies.
24/01/2023 - 26/01/2023 Rwanda
This workshop will focus on the impact of climate change on the region and discuss approaches to be used in assessing the macrofiscal impact of climate change, specific risks such as to SOEs and PPPs, and budget tagging and monitoring. The workshop will also provide an opportunity for EAC Partner States to provide an update on the progress made so far on the harmonization of regional PFM and the attainment of the EAC Macroeconomic Convergence Criteria, particularly in the context of the revised target date of 2031. To support this for newer Partner States (the Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, and South Sudan, a one-day workshop will be held on 23 January 2024 to support progression on development of Medium-Term Convergence Plans. Further details will be provided to relevant Partner States shortly.
Regional Workshop on Budget Baseline Costing
05/12/2022 - 09/12/2022 Zanzibar
Lesson learning topics will include: (i) the baseline budget concept and costing techniques; (ii) costing the recurrent budget; (iii) costing the development budget, and (iv) cross cutting and enabling areas, including IT systems and program budgeting. A primary objective is to compile country experiences in the form of regional budget costing guidelines and reform needs that will be documented through group working sessions, which is a continuation of efforts which started in December 2019.
Budget Baseline Costing workshop
05/12/2022 - 09/12/2022 Zanzibar
Despite MTBF principles being uniform across the region for over 20 years, several countries face challenges in deriving bottom up costing to identify a budget baseline to assess the fiscal gap between existing policy requirements and the fiscal resource envelope.
Peer Learning Seminar - Public Investment Management Reforms in the Region
19/09/2022 - 19/09/2022 Zoom Platform
Lesson learning topics will include: (i) Review country reform processes over the past 20 years with the support of AFE and exchange views with other member countries, and; (ii) Explore, with technical counterparts, challenges, and opportunities of selected topics of interest to AFE countries.
Public Financial Management in the Context of the East African Monetary Union
17/08/2022 - 19/08/2022 Zanzibar
This workshop will focus on fiscal policy and economic management in a world of uncertainty about pandemic, wars, and inflation. The workshop will also provide an opportunity for EAC Partner States to provide an update on the progress made so far on the harmonization of regional PFM and the attainment of the EAC Macroeconomic Convergence Criteria.
Management and Mitigation of fiscal risks for Anglophone Sub-Saharan countries
25/04/2022 - 28/04/2022 Virtual Platform
The COVID-19 pandemic has had unprecedented consequences on economic activity and the financial position of governments all over the world. It has also triggered multiple specific risks that were latent before the crisis, including risks from State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), and other new risks. These developments have demonstrated the importance of institutional frameworks to deal with these risks and mitigate their impact.
Peer Learning Workshop on Public Investment Management (PIM)
26/02/2022 - 28/02/2022 Rwanda
Quality infrastructure investment is essential for sustainable and equitable economic growth and the IMF’s ongoing work in the AFR region, including the Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA), has demonstrated high scope for countries to improve investment institutions and efficiency. Building on these frameworks, learning topics covered in this workshop will include: (i) The current PIM landscape—challenges and solutions in the region; (ii) The climate challenge—how to integrate climate objectives into the infrastructure cycle; (iii) How to handle unsolicited proposals for infrastructure projects; (iv) Who does what in the planning, appraisal, selection, and budgeting space; (v) The legal framework for PIM and investment—what is needed and how to get there; and (vi) PIM reform stock take and strategies.
Integrating Performance Based Budgeting and IT Systems
15/12/2021 - 17/12/2021 Virtual
This aims to: (i) share lessons in their reform transition; (ii) discuss options to improve IT systems integration in the PFM cycle, and (iii) to develop a collegial link across the countries to support each other in further reforms.
Regional Peer Learning Workshop: Budget Baseline Costing
06/12/2021 - 10/12/2021 Virtual
The virtual workshop aims to develop regional budget costing guidelines to: (i) better define baselines in the context of AFE countries; (ii) provide general and sector specific guidance in their calculation by identifying cost drivers, and (iii) clarify institutional arrangements on the use of budget baselines as part of the budget decision making process.
Regional Peer Learning Virtual Workshop on Performance Based Budgeting (PBB)
25/10/2021 - 29/10/2021 Virtually
The workshop aims to bring together selected countries from East, West and Southern Africa to: (i) share lessons in their reform transition; (ii) identify what the main bottlenecks in reform have been; (iii) discuss options to update/recalibrate their reform plans based on lesson learning if required, and; (iv) and develop a collegial link across the continent.
Budget Baseline Costing
07/12/2020 - 11/12/2020 Virtually
To achieve this objective, the workshop will be conducted in three phases: Phase 1: Drafting of the guidelines (Oct-Nov 2020) - Participants will work in groups to develop provisional drafts of chapters for the guidelines; Phase 2: Virtual workshop to discuss drafts (Dec 2020) – Working groups will convene virtually and present drafts for feedback from the wider group; Phase 3: Physical “hands on workshop” workshop to finalize the first draft (2021) - Working groups will convene physically and undertake a series of presentations, discussions and hands on group sessions to consolidate the first draft. Further information on this phase will be provided at a later stage when travel in the region safely resumes.
Review of IT systems to support Performance Based Budgeting
16/11/2020 - 20/11/2020 Virtual
All countries have adopted presentational performance budgeting, where performance information is presented in budget documents as background information for accountability and dialogue with legislators and citizens. The extent of performance informed budgeting however varies across countries.
Lesson learning from regional Public Investment Management units
02/11/2020 - 06/11/2020 Virtual
The workshop, targeting heads of PIM units or deputies, will also provide a platform to recalibrate their reform plans based on lesson learning and a collegial link across the continent.
Budget Baseline Costing
09/12/2019 - 13/12/2019 Tanzania
The workshop will be structured around simple and practical tools and techniques that have been adopted in the region and globally for different categories of expenditure.
Regional Workshop on Oversight and Monitoring of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs)
22/10/2019 - 25/10/2019 Tanzania
Participants should therefore include staff who are stakeholders in from: (i) the Government Investment Portfolio Unit or other coordinating institution responsible for SOE oversight; (ii) the Treasury or Accountant General’s Department; and (iii) the Budget Department. The workshop will be limited to four participants from each of the seven East AFRITAC countries and from the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar.
Seminar on Public Sector Accounting and Financial Reporting
21/01/2019 - 25/01/2019 South Africa
Implementing the Accrual-basis IPSAS; The linkages between Accounting, Financial and Statistical Reporting; and Fiscal Reporting and Fiscal Transparency.
Understanding Gender Responsive Budgeting
13/08/2018 - 15/08/2018 Tanzania
The objective of the workshop is to familiarize the participants with an integrated perspective on gender budgeting; initiating dialogue among different institutions responsible for gender equality, and promoting peer learning by providing an opportunity for focused facilitation of the good practices and experience in gender responsive budgeting.
Taking Cash Management Forward - Building on Recent Reforms
13/02/2018 - 16/02/2018 Zanzibar, Tanzania
The workshop aims to share experiences on the three key theme areas. Participants should therefore include staff actively involved in cash management and TSA reforms from: (i) the Treasury or Accountant General’s Department; (ii) Cash Management Unit; and Debt management office/unit; and (iii) cash forecasters from large MDAs and revenue department.
Strengthening Budget Documentation
20/11/2017 - 24/11/2017 Entebbe, Uganda
The objective of the workshop is to provide budget officers involved in budget preparation, the skills to make the budget more strategic, more precise, more focused, and more reader friendly. Subject areas include: Coverage and structure of the budget documents; Improving the quality, relevance, and consistency of information contained in budget documentation to better inform funding choices and to enable accountability; Legal, procedural, and institutional implications for enhancing openness and transparency in budget management and documentation; Budget as a tool of communicating policy; and Summarizing the message without losing the content.
Joint EAC/ FAD – AFE Workshop
20/03/2017 - 23/03/2017
The EAC/FAD-AFE workshop will focus on regional PFM harmonization and the development of a surveillance framework to oversee macro-fiscal convergence ahead of the proposed monetary union. It is being hosted by the EAC secretariat and will have participation from the EAC Partner States.
PFM Reform Strategies
21/02/2017 - 21/02/2017 Zanzibar, Tanzania
The workshop will discuss themes emerging from previous experience with PFM reforms in AFE countries. It is specifically intended to equip participants with a better understanding of how to prioritize and sequence PFM reforms; the relevance of PEFA and other diagnostic tools in designing country appropriate reform strategies; the role of underlying institutional arrangements; and the importance of change management.
Strengthening Public Investment Management
28/11/2016 - 02/12/2016 Kigali, Rwanda
The workshop was planned to (i) strengthen understanding of the senior officials on how public investment institutions influence fiscal and economic outcomes, and (ii) provide a critical appraisal of the...
IFMIS Effectiveness: Strengthening PFM operational support and control
18/10/2016 - 21/10/2016 Tanzania
The workshop discussed measures for improving the system support, which IFMIS provides to key PFM Processes: specifically: medium term, program based budget formulation; budget execution, including controls;
+ Debt Management
Regional Workshop on Liability Management Operations
20/01/2025 - 24/01/2025 South Africa
The workshop aims at equipping participants with the necessary skills to utilize liability management operations (LMOs) as tools to achieve a more desirable public debt portfolio structure, manage refinancing risks inherent in the public debt portfolio, and support the development of the domestic market for government securities. The training will serve to improve the participants’ capacity to apply LMOs to help them achieve a desired public debt portfolio structure, which reflects the government’s preferences with regard to cost and risk.
+ Other Events
Gender Budget Tagging and Climate Budget Tagging
14/01/2025 - 17/01/2025 Tanzania
Modes of engagement will include peer-to-peer learning, country presentations, and hands-on activities focused on prioritizing gender equality and climate goals and identifying budget measures across the government that support them. Participants will discuss challenges in implementing budget tagging and explore solutions, gaining valuable insights and best practices to advance your Ministry's efforts in gender and climate budgeting.
Managing Sovereign Debt Portfolios in Adverse Market
13/03/2023 - 17/03/2023 Ebene, Mauritius
The workshop aims to provide a platform for sovereign debt managers in the two regions to share experiences and understand the implications of rising inflation, tightening global financing conditions and a stronger US dollar on sovereign debt portfolios and the implementation of medium-term debt management strategies.Climate Change and Macro-Financial Policies
06/03/2023 - 10/03/2023 Kenya
The fiscal and financial risks from climate change, and the role of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) instruments, would also be discussed. Workshops will focus on the impact of mitigation policies and the macro-fiscal benefits from building resilience, as well as assessing financial sector risks and debt vulnerabilities from climate change.
GovTech: Fiscal Data Governance
21/02/2022 - 24/02/2022 Webex Online Platform
This workshop will focus on (i) concepts and trends related to fiscal data governance (FDG) and (ii) their impacts on the development of financial management information systems in the region. It will provide a platform for the AFE member-countries to explore the benefits of enhanced FDG practices and provide peer-learning opportunities. Four themes will be covered: Theme 1: Fiscal Data Governance: Concept, Approaches and Trends: concepts, components, and global and regional trends of FDG. Theme 2: Data privacy laws and budget execution: (i) regional trends and features related to data privacy laws, and (ii) their impact on the financial management information system and the budget execution. Theme 3: Fiscal Transparency: (i) fiscal data quality in the region based on the findings of the Fiscal Transparency Evaluations and (ii) design and development of fiscal transparency portals and quality of published fiscal data. Theme 4: Data Interoperability: (i) role of data governance to support data interoperability in fiscal policy formulation and implementation, and (ii) regional trends and experiences.Tackling Gender Based Violence
03/02/2022 - 03/02/2022 Virtually
Transparency and Communication for and between NBS and CBs
26/01/2022 - 28/01/2022 Zoom Online Platform
The communication process for quarterly national accounts data releases from the NBS is similar to that of the announcement of monetary policy, and the workshop will cover best practices for both. The interactions between the NBS and the CB are wide-ranging, and the workshop will be showcasing several examples of these to inspire new practices in the region.Experience with FPAS in Africa
10/01/2022 - 14/01/2022 Zoom Online Platform
Gender Equality and Macroeconomics: Lessons from East Africa
30/11/2021 - 02/12/2021 Virtually
Goals include 1) Providing an overview of the evidence on the links between gender equality and macroeconomics, including during the COVID-19 pandemic; 2) Providing practitioners with an overview of policies to address inequities; 3) Facilitating peer-learning between AFRITAC East member countries; and 4) Highlighting further training and capacity building opportunities that the IMF and other partners could offer on the subject.
Developing a Forecasting & Policy Analysis System - A Central Bank Safari
24/08/2021 - 27/08/2021 Virtually
The workshop will showcase FPAS when fully fledged, using an advanced central bank as an example and present results from a coming paper of IMF FPAS TA experience. The workshop will cover international good practices, regional initiatives and country experiences, encourage peer learning, and review technical assistance needs, objectives and deliverables for inclusion in AFE and AFW work plans.
AFE 20th Steering Committee Meeting
18/03/2018 - 19/03/2018 Tanzania
The meeting will be chaired by the Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Rwanda and attended by representatives from member countries, development partners and the IMF. Participants will provide feedback and strategic guidance to the Center on a range of issues, and discuss the implementation of the FY 2018 work plan and the proposed work plan for FY 2019.
Promoting Financial Stability & Enhancing Macroprudential & Fintech Supervision
13/11/2017 - 17/11/2017 Arusha, Tanzania
In the last few years, many countries in East Africa were focused on building out their financial stability and macroprudential policy infrastructure and adopting a macroprudential approach to supervision and regulations. In addition, many central banks and other regulatory agencies are seized with the importance of effective regulatory and supervisory oversight of financial technology firms, commonly referred to as Fintech, which offers significant opportunities for financial inclusion and innovation. However, if not carefully supervised, Fintech could have serious implications for the soundness of financial institutions as well as the management of systemic risks.
Enhancing the Basel Process -Recent Developments in Basel II & Basel III
21/08/2017 - 25/08/2017 Ebene, Mauritius
Implementation of the Basel III framework is a key global regulatory reform priority. Full and consistent implementation within the internationally agreed timeframe is aimed at strengthening the resilience of the banking system, improving market confidence in regulatory ratios and promoting a level playing field. Developments are taking place in implementing different facets of Basel III such as the leverage ratio, liquidity requirements, and capital buffers. The seminar is designed to familiarize participants with the underlying concepts of these requirements and equip them with the tools and techniques for conducting supervision of banks/financial institutions under the revised framework in the most effective way.
Steering Committee Meeting
03/04/2017 - 04/04/2017 Lilongwe, Malawi
AFE will conduct its 19th Steering Committee meeting between April 3-4, 2017. The meeting will be co-chaired by the Malawi Minister of Finance, Economic and Planning and Development, and the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Malawi, in Lilongwe, Malawi.Risk Based Solvency Frameworks and Supervision
20/02/2017 ( 01:00 PM - 09:00 PM ) Uganda
This will include the identification of significant activities, assessing inherent and other risks, assessing board, risk management and other oversight functions and the assessment of solvency requirements/capital adequacy for insurers.
Information Technology Risk Supervision
15/09/2016 - 16/09/2016 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
The purpose of workshop was to create awareness of the need to develop capacity on IT Risk Supervision. IT Risk Supervision is a topic that is quickly rising as a supervisory priority as a result of the…
Risk Based Approach to AML/CFT Supervision
05/09/2016 - 09/09/2016 Zanzibar, Tanzania
The workshop aimed to create a platform for the staff of Central Banks Bank Supervision Departments and Financial Intelligence Units to exchange views and discuss the developments on AML/CFT regulations...
+ IMF Institute Courses
Course on Macroeconomic Diagnostics
02/12/2024 - 13/12/2024 Zanzibar
This course is designed to strengthen participants’ ability to comprehensively assess a country’s macroeconomic situation, including the current state of the economy; the stance of fiscal and monetary policy; financial stability; exchange rate misalignments; vulnerabilities in the different sectors; and the medium-term outlook, especially the sustainability of public and external debt.
Course on Financial Sector Policies (FSP)
29/04/2024 - 10/05/2024 Zanzibaar
The course is targeting junior to senior government officials engaged in setting policy for the financial sector, particularly the staff of central banks, financial regulators, and any other agencies involved in micro- or macroprudential oversight.
Course on Financial Market Instruments
13/11/2023 - 24/11/2023 Zanzibar
The course is targeting mid-level to senior officials involved in economic and strategic planning; supervision of financial sector; evaluating policy strategies for development of financial markets; portfolio risk management.
The main objective of this course is to give participants a good understanding of various financial instruments and the roles such instruments play in financial markets; the main components that affect the prices of various instruments; the effect of monetary policy on valuation of financial instruments; the potential for hedging benefits; and some of the issues surrounding their regulation.
Interregional Workshop on Forecasting and Policy Analysis System
07/08/2023 - 11/08/2023 Cabo Verde
The purpose of the workshop is to support the central banks of the region in strengthening their monetary policy formulation, develop the forecasting and policy analysis system, understanding the interlinkage between monetary policy formulation and implementation, allow peer-to-peer sharing of country experiences and provide technical assistance to strengthen the capacity of participating officials.
The workshop will take stock of the current state of monetary policy analysis and forecasting and it will cover selected topics related to FPAS in much more detail, such as: (i) FPAS components – database, forecasting team, and forecasting round; (ii) role of nowcasting and near-term forecasting in FPAS; (iii) Composite Index of Economic Activity – challenges, usefulness and how close it mimics the GDP; (iv) monetary transmission mechanism and its reflection in the FPAS; (v) macroeconomic projections, risk analysis under uncertainty - using simulations for better policy decisions; (vi) the road to inflation targeting and transitional monetary arrangements; and (vii) internal and external communication.
Regional Course on Fiscal Sustainability
21/03/2022 - 01/04/2022 Online Platform
The virtual course is targeted at mid-level government officials, such as staff of ministries of economy, planning and finance, treasuries, independent fiscal councils, central banks, and other agencies involved in the analysis and assessment of debt sustainability and fiscal policy. It provides an overview of how to assess fiscal sustainability from a policy perspective and of related assessment tools. It discusses fiscal risks and long term fiscal pressures, and covers debt management strategies and early warning indicators used by the IMF, as they relate to fiscal adjustment and debt sustainability.
Course on Inclusive Growth (IG)
19/04/2021 - 23/04/2021 Virtually
It is important therefore for policy makers to be equipped in tools to track growth, inequality, and poverty but also to design policy to curb related issues.
Regional Course on Fiscal Sustainability
17/02/2020 - 21/02/2020 Arusha, Tanzania
The course looks at fiscal sustainability as a requirement for macroeconomic stability and sustainable and inclusive long-term growth, particularly in low-income countries. It provides an overview of how to assess fiscal sustainability from a policy perspective and of related assessment tools. It discusses fiscal risks and fiscal challenges and covers lessons from debt crises and fiscal adjustments.
Regional Course on Fiscal Frameworks
09/09/2019 - 13/09/2019 Tanzania
The course stresses the need for high-quality information, transparency, and responsibility to hold governments accountable for their medium to long-term fiscal objectives. It reviews the role of government and the objectives of fiscal policy; revisits essential macro-fiscal tools and methodologies; and identifies a country’s fiscal framework as the set of institutions that design and conduct fiscal policy.
Course on Economic Issues in Regional Integration
17/09/2018 - 21/09/2018 Tanzania
Drawing on the theory and on case studies from experiences in various regions of the world, the course will cover: (i) the requirements for economic integration; (ii) trade, financial and monetary integration; (iii) costs and benefits of the implementation process; and (iv) political economy aspects of integration.
Regional Course on Macroeconomic Diagnostics
30/11/2015 - 10/12/2015 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
The aim of the course was to strengthen the ability of participants to assess a country's macroeconomic situation, drawing heavily from actual country experiences. The broad types of assessments were...
+ Government Finance Statistics
Regional Workshop on Government Finance Statistics
18/11/2024 - 22/11/2024 Zanzibar
The focus of this regional training will include:
1. The integrated GFS framework as outlined in the GFSM 2014.
2. Revenue and expense, where participants will gain practical experience in classifying IFMIS line items and discuss borderline cases.
3. Financing (below-the-line items) and the dissemination of GFS data to the IMF.
GFS concepts in the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014
02/10/2023 - 06/10/2023 Zanzibar
This workshop was a response for the need for basic training on GFS concepts in the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 (GFSM 2014). As such, the focus of this regional training will be on: (1) Integrated GFS framework in the GFSM 2014; (2) Sector classification of public sector institutional units; (3) Revenue and expense; (4) Financing, stock flow reconciliations and consolidation.
Workshop on Government Finance Statistics and Public Sector Debt Statistics
02/05/2023 - 05/05/2023 Rwanda
The workshop, under the theme, Further improvements in the quality of fiscal and debt data was targeting staff from Ministries of Finance.(1) Progress made by countries in the area of government finance statistics, over the last 20 years; (2) Expanding coverage of fiscal statistics to general government and beyond; (3) Dissemination practices; (4) Review of technical assistance needs.
+ Macro Fiscal Analysis
IMF FAD & AFE & AFS Fiscal Risk Management and Fiscal Sustainability
14/10/2024 - 18/10/2024 Mauritius
The seminar will focus on how to identify and quantify fiscal risks and how to integrate fiscal risk management into the budgeting process.
Upon completion of the course, participants should gain knowledge on: (i) identifying and quantifying different fiscal risks, including from climate change; (ii) describing the fiscal risk management toolkit and developing mitigation strategies; (iii) assessing impact of climate change on long-term fiscal sustainability; (iv) integrating fiscal risk management into the budgeting process; (v) good fiscal risk reporting and disclosure practices; (vi) institutional arrangements that promote effective fiscal risk management.
Regional workshop on Macro-fiscal forecasting tools
18/02/2019 - 22/02/2019 Rwanda
The workshop will be run in a conference format, with presentations from macro fiscal units and from IMF advisers and experts, as well as plenary discussions. Participants are expected to be macroeconomic or revenue forecasters in ministries of finance, or senior or junior economists from macro fiscal units.
Fiscal Policy Analysis Course
19/02/2018 - 23/02/2018 Kigali, Rwanda
This hands-on course is built around core macro-fiscal topics needed to analyze fiscal policy. Units will be substantiated by general empirical findings, case studies, and Excel-based workshops. Workshops will focus on fiscal projections, measuring the fiscal stance, debt dynamics, and current fiscal challenges in EAC countries. There will also be substantial time for peer exchanges.
Macro-fiscal functions in Ministries of Finance
08/01/2018 - 12/01/2018 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
IMF – East AFRITAC is hosting a regional workshop for officials to share lessons and experiences in strengthening macro-fiscal functions in ministries of finance. Macro-fiscal units have an important role to play in the PFM process, providing economic context and forecasts that underpin revenue, expenditure and debt projections. However, despite the importance of macro-fiscal analysis in the budget process, it can often be challenging to establish and maintain a macro-fiscal capability. It can be difficult to get the right mix of skill and technology in a capacity-constrained environment, and establishing links with the rest of the PFM processes of the ministry can be tricky. This workshop will bring together directors and senior economists from macro-fiscal units in the region to discuss and share strategies for establishing and maintaining sustainable macro-fiscal capabilities in ministries of finance.
Macro-Fiscal Forecasting Training
08/08/2016 - 18/08/2016 Arusha, Tanzania
The objective of the workshop was to build the analytical skills of government officials who are involved in forecasting activities in their respective countries. Various government entities in the region…
+ Financial Sector Supervision
AFRITAC East & AFRITAC West 2 Joint Regional Workshop on Fintech
07/10/2024 - 11/10/2024 Tanzania
The focus of the workshop is on the regulation and supervision of technology driven innovation in financial services - supervising fintech, digitalization of banking (e-money, banking as a service, open banking/open finance), artificial intelligence, and big tech.
Regional Seminar - Anti Money Laundering & Combating the Financing of Terrorism
10/10/2022 - 10/10/2022 Zoom Platform
A regional seminar on Anti Money Laundering (AML) and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) supervision, sponsored by the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) is planned to take place on October 10, 2022.
Regional seminar on risk-based supervision (RBS)
07/09/2022 - 07/09/2022 Virtually
The event is part of a seminar series celebrating the AFRITAC East (AFE) 20th Anniversary. Its objective is to showcase Rwanda’s achievements from a supervisory perspective over the past years with the support of the AFE, exchange views and reform experiences with other member countries, and discuss challenges and opportunities. The seminar will be conducted in a virtual mode and will include presentations by the NBR and the AFE, as well as a questions and answers (Q&A) session. The event aims at gathering representatives from anglophone countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The target audience includes central banks and supervisory authorities, donor and developing partners, and other external participants (e.g. banking associations) that have an interest in RBS.
Regional workshop on IFRS 17
06/06/2022 - 17/06/2022 Online Platform
Most insurance supervisory agencies have limited capacity (including actuarial expertise) and competence to implement IFRS 17. The workshop intends to be an advanced training program with the objective to provide a wider understanding on IFRS 17 implementation processes that will enhance their own level of preparedness and assist in the development of adequate processes to accommodate the transition.
Emerging Regulatory and Supervisory Approaches to Climate-related Risks
16/11/2021 - 16/11/2021 Virtual
The webinar will comprise (i) presentations from countries in the region on their practices in relation to supervision of climate-related risks or ongoing initiatives to integrate climate-related risks into the prudential framework and (ii) a case study from outside the African continent to present on current approaches and help provide a better perspective of emerging practice in more advanced or comparable environments.
Strengthening Supervisory Oversight of Domestic Systemically Important Banks
05/07/2021 - 09/07/2021 Virtually
The course will leverage the BCBS guidance on Corporate Governance (2015) which looks at proportionality in implementing corporate governance standards in banks, based on risk profile and systemic importance.
Consolidated Supervision, DSIBs Oversight & Basel II/III Implementation
09/12/2019 - 13/12/2019 Arusha, Tanzania
The workshop aims to create a platform for Supervisors to receive training on consolidated supervision and Domestic Significant Banking Institutions (D-SIBs) Oversight and emerging issues in Basel II/III Implementation.
Macro Prudential Supervision, Stress Testing and Greening the Financial Systems
11/11/2019 - 15/11/2019 Uganda
The workshop aims to bring together staff from the Central Banks, Insurance Regulatory Authorities and Capital Markets Authorities in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda.
Workshop on Building Cyber Resilience and Supervisory Capacity in East Africa
05/11/2018 - 09/11/2018 Tanzania
The workshop aims to bring together supervisory staff from the central banks, insurance regulatory authorities and capital markets authorities in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda; and create a platform for them to receive training and discuss ideas on cyber security, information technology supervision and proportionality in implementing regulatory and supervisory standards.
Implementing the Basel Core Principles and IFRS in East Africa
20/08/2018 - 24/08/2018 Tanzania
The program has been developed for mid- to senior level supervisors staff from the Banking Regulatory Authorities in Burundi, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda.
Regional Workshop on Risk Based Supervision and ICAAP Reforms
16/04/2018 - 20/04/2018 Entebbe, Uganda
The program has been developed for mid- to senior level supervisor staff from the Banking Regulatory Authorities in Burundi, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda.
Improving Financial Stability via Effective analysis & Timely Monitoring of FSIs
12/02/2018 - 16/02/2018
Conducted in with the Toronto Centre, it will bring together staff from the Insurance Regulatory Authorities from Burundi, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.
+ Financial Market Infrastructures and Payments
Compliance with CPMI-IOSCO Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures
29/01/2024 - 02/02/2024 Ghana
The workshop will elaborate into details on CPMI-IOSCO Principles for FMIs, cyber security and resilience of FMIs, and provide a forum to exchange country experiences on compliance with the principles, the challenges facing the authorities, and the strategies to improve compliance with principles and cybersecurity resilience guidance for FMIs.
CPSS-IOSCO PFMI—General Organizational & Operational Risk
29/10/2018 - 02/11/2018 Ghana
This is a joint workshop between AFRITAC East and AFRITAC West 2, designed for senior central bank officials involved in payment and settlement systems regulation, oversight and operations. It will also It will also address the broader legal aspects of the national payments system, including the regulatory requirements for electronic money.
Legal Aspects of the National Payments Systems
27/11/2017 - 01/12/2017 Ebene, Mauritius
in 2012 new, enhanced risk management standards were promulgated for the FMIs, the PFMI, in the wake of global financial crisis. This workshop intends to provide a technical understanding of the related issues to enhance the work of the legal experts tasked with drafting or amending the relevant laws.
CPSS-IOSCO Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures:Challenges & Strategy
24/04/2017 - 28/04/2017 Zanzibar, Tanzania
The objectives of the workshops are to enhance the level of assessment proficiency among participants and provide a forum to discuss local and regional challenges in the oversight of FMIs. The workshop will address new developments in the payments landscape and the new international guidance on cyber resilience for FMIs.
+ Forecasting and Policy Analysis Systems
Workshop on Fundamentals of Sound Central Bank Communication
13/06/2022 - 15/06/2022 Zoom Online Platform
The focus of the workshop will be on relevant considerations in the context of targeted countries, including specific issues such as how and why to start developing the central bank communication, the central banks’ role and mandate in the political economy, and prioritization of tools, target groups and channels of communication.